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PostWysłany: Śro 0:06, 05 Sty 2011    Temat postu: U.S. progress in the development of new space food

U.S. Progress in development of space food

Further research is needed, juice through dehydration, add water, it always felt wrong to drink milk} After vacuum packaging, the taste more than backward. Not because of the cabin refrigerators, cold drink in space the only person put it outside the cabin, the use of space, natural refrigerator, but it must be shady side, and the location of the space shuttle in space is constantly changing, and this brings a lot of trouble. First, the space per person by the NASA space flight food catering division with vegetables. Different menu every day, seven days a turn, about 50 U.S. dollars per day for meals. Space does not have to strictly in accordance with 11 regular food menu, you can choose. Any particular individual requirements, Ministry of food as much as possible to do so. Http example, were asked to eat one kind of space from the dried fruit, peanuts, melon seeds, mixed nuts, snacks, meals Ministry did. Space flight, often outside the situation different, due to work and disrupted patterns of life is common, so do a catering department always try to perfect some of the food, let people eat all the space. Shuttle the middle part of the kitchen in the cabin,ghd iv styler, equipped with a hemispherical basin to wash your hands. Turn on the various food pantry. Need to add water activities in the food boxes on a shelf push, dial-up space personnel in accordance with the required amount of water after a push inside the food box, which automatically has the needle into the injection box. Then, the food box into the height of the convection oven, 180 degrees Fahrenheit temperature in the heat. Such heat can not compare the temperature of the oven at home, so time-consuming, require half an hour to 1 hour. Next time will be longer and longer space flight, NASA Space staff will be expected to cook some food for fun. Based on the number of winter in the Arctic and the people in remote areas of psychological study found that isolated environment, the time for cooking the food will have the role of psychological stability. Therefore, the NASA space was specially designed this kitchen. U.S. scientists believe that the development of space food to make new progress, this is only a good start. The current biggest issue is immigration to the space, such as security of life in space to solve their food and procreation issues. Back in the early 6O, with the US-Soviet manned space between the two countries rise, they begin to cultivated plants in space experiments. First of all, people want to live in space, can not rely on God to bring food from the ground,ugg italia, more important is to understand there is no space enough to maintain human life, the food source. This raises grow plants in space, the possibility of solving the food issue of the. So far, U.S. scientists in orbit has been carefully cultivated plants 100. Including oats, wheat, soybeans, mung bean, sugar beet, sunflower, tobacco, flax, pine seedlings and so on. Tests show that growing plants in space to solve the problem of human food is possible. Chinese mung bean, have sprouted on the space shuttle; beet, cabbage, in the United States, the Soviet Union's \Plane in space (ship),ugg boots deutschland, the 63 days can be weighty, wheat, tobacco can be grown and good growth,moncler outlet, full ground sunflower seed, flax grow straight, grow lush pine seedlings ... ... All in all, tells us that in the future space in the city, can the same ground as agricultural and household sideline business. That is, some of the basic food of mankind there is hope to solve. Edmonton, California, United States National Aeronautics and Victoria Ames Research Center NASA,moncler jacken, space flight now developed a special device services, it is the botanical garden for the establishment of the universe designed specifically to protect the property of their closed ecological system, to protect and the regulation of plant essential existence of conditions: temperature, light, humidity, pressure, flow, air content and nutrition. Experimental device includes a double wall plastic cylinder, and a computer-controlled sensors, as well as transmission and exhaust system, can a 5-foot-long, 18 inches in diameter into a small greenhouse garden. U.S. scientists say: The kind of physical protection of ecological systems and closed greenhouse space station or the same cereal production systems in the near future will be built up, which could bring greenhouse aviation aircraft (the ship). However, the most important contribution of this device is that it is also fully automatic control its internal environment and to create a micro-universe, with the greatest potential to become human in space this barren fertile grain production base. 3. , Low-voltage switch factory branch in Hunan Province Wu Hua Chi horse pS √ f 1 = Stone Well shame. In the text, specifically the development of the Antarctic grasshopper phosphorus and protein food production. . According to the experts developing the earthquake wiped Antarctic krill is estimated that hundreds of millions to billions of tons of reserves is huge. The Camp 13

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