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PostWysłany: Pią 8:48, 14 Sty 2011    Temat postu: Supra Cuttler NS Shoes Home Informa Puma Lazy Inse

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v class="googleright">Sell your home to a house buyer and you will not need a home information pack (HIP). This means you avoid the delay Puma Lazy Insect, hassle and cost of compiling a HIP.
For more info on the HIP regulations read on.
What is a Home Information Pack?
? Since 14 December 2007 a Home Information Pack has been required on all homes being marketed in England and Wales.
? The pack provides information needed by home buyers at the start of the home buying process.
? It includes much of the information usually compiled by a solicitor during the conveyancing process.
? The burden is now on the seller to compile the info and produce the pack.
Essential Content of Home Information Packs
? Index of Contents
? Sale Statement
? Evidence of Title
? Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
? Searches
? Leasehold/Commonhold Documents if applicable
HIP's were designed to:
? Provide info so that home buyers make informed decisions before offering
? Reduce duplicated costs if more than one sale proceeds
? Grade the energy efficiency of a home
What are the negatives of HIP'S?
? Home sellers are now unable to test the market without committing cash
? Delays caused because marketing can't commence until HIP compiled
? Much of the packs info is out of date by the time the property goes under offer. The buyer then has to repay for updated info.
? Some lenders/solicitors will not accept the contents of a HIP and may demand their own information, so duplicating costs.
? Cost of a HIP is an added cost to house sale process
? If the property doesn't sell the HIP and the money spent on it is wasted
Are there any exemptions?
Yes there are a few limited exemptions to getting a home information pack. The main of which is that if the property is not being marketed e.g. sale to quick sale company supra thunder hightop, then a HIP doesn't have to be compiled.
You can avoid a getting a Home Information Pack in the following circumstances:
? When no marketing takes place (e.g. selling to a family member or quick sale company)
? Non-residential properties
? Homes limited by law to use as holiday accommodation or for limited occupation
? Mixed sales (e.g. shop with flat)
? Right to buy and similar sales
? Sales of portfolios of properties
? Properties not being sold with completely vacant possession
? Unsafe properties and properties to be demolished
How to pay for pack?
Our research has found that you can pay up to £600 for a HIP.
There are several ways of paying for a HIP:
? Pay upfront- before marketing commences a HIP is commissioned and paid for
? Financing until sold- normally interest is charged so you end up paying more
? "No Sale No Fee" deal via an estate agent, where pack cost is included in final fee. However in current market agents have either withdrawn these offers or require much higher commissions to compensate for extra risk. There are also many restrictions e.g. not able to transfer HIP to another estate agent.
Quick Move Now are one of the leading house buying companies in the UK. They are specialist house buyers and will buy my house. They will buy your house for 90% of its value and can turn around

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