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PostWysłany: Pią 21:52, 03 Gru 2010    Temat postu: buy ghd hair The situation is pressing imperative

The situation is pressing imperative for the Navy dress second generation of the grassroots sentiments _ _ Sina blog

Compared to the rapid development of the Air Force around the world the development of naval aviation there is a very uneven situation. Establishment of a small number of maritime power to the aircraft carrier from the shore, from the reconnaissance anti-submarine to sea attacks from the ocean to offshore operations, from local to large overseas bases of the system of naval air power, and military power in most countries and even many of the naval air force is relatively weak , a few countries have aircraft carriers, the fleet strength is also extremely thin. Air power at sea is extremely unbalanced situation seems to be accepted with all major powers,buy ghd hair, which in the military field is a special case. When the individual powers in the various regions of the reach of the global ocean moves frequently, when a number of other military powers still in the development of naval aviation for the future undecided. Despite the attempts of some countries to carry out technology research aircraft and equipment, but a few large countries and the United States and other maritime air power than simply incomparable. The high cost of construction of naval aviation and the future strategic situation of uncertainty,mbt shoes sale, making it difficult in all countries the construction of costly investment decisions. China's naval aviation has been nearly 60 years of development. June 1952, the first aviation division in Shanghai, marking the official birth of naval air forces. To the end of 1955, Naval Air Force has 515 aircraft of various types, basically forming a shore-based air defense system of sea and air combat. January 3, 1980, the first landing with the Navy's ship-borne helicopters, the success achieved by the shore-based naval aviation breakthrough to the carrier. Nineties of last century, \support. January 2009 release of ((China's National Defense 2008 \recognition of our naval air forces are relatively weak, and the growing interest of big powers did not match the ocean. J -10 with the shape of aircraft equipment, the Chinese Air Force to accelerate the pace of three generations of local dress. and the navy in addition to three generations of fighters and a small amount of imports ongoing facelift of the JH-7A aircraft, there are a lot of second-generation warplanes continue to use. The design is mainly high-altitude high-speed operations. late, domestic second-generation machine is equipped with radar and other sensors though, and linked to a corresponding increase the empty, empty surface weapons. But because these fighters are mostly developed by Air Force fighters, air and sea attack capability is relatively weak, and these aircraft are equipped with conventional fire control system of large, small arms attack, attack accuracy is more low, the ability to deal with the complicated electromagnetic environment is weak,Tory Burch Shoes, no longer meet the modern naval warfare environment, second-generation fighter the Navy dress immediately. Right now, the demand for naval air warfare, a Navy study of three generations of new aircraft development cycle from the fundamental point of view is not feasible , the choice of three generations of aircraft to retrofit existing domestic is the only options. domestically produced fighter in the design concept of three generations empty-oriented operations, electronic warfare environment and air attacks on the integrated operational effectiveness plane, with a strong air to air attacks and self defense capacity, and in the air side (especially the empty sea) attack, since the sensor is equipped with advanced and powerful integrated fire control system, just add air and sea attack linked to advanced weapons, can become a combat aircraft with excellent performance at sea . for the status of naval aviation equipment, much less than the number of Air Force aircraft and equipment, and therefore should not be used on multiple aircraft options selected programs, and selection should be fully demonstrated its advantages,mbt shoes on sale, so that the equipment is good for maintenance and operational use the. It should be noted that three generations of machines and equipment does not affect JH -7 aircraft equipment, because of operational functions of three generations of machine-made and cross-JH-7 aircraft components for a few, can complement one another. Current and fourth generation machine (the Russian Five unit) development has been widespread concern, but the combat effectiveness of four generations of machines, especially its price has not been tested in actual combat, the next generation of fighters for the Navy research and development, should learn from foreign experience circumstances, combined with strength and China's Ordnance Industry Science and Technology needs of Naval Operations to seriously carry out the research project. Meanwhile, the existing three generations of machine technology is more mature, we do not need to continue to wait, three generations of naval aircraft properly equipped and continuous improvement in the Naval Air Training. 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