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PostWysłany: Pią 10:57, 20 Maj 2011    Temat postu: Ed Hardy 2011 Encouraged Young Vietnamese-Amercans

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Cao, who was 41 years old while elected, was connate in Vietnam, an of seven babies. He came to the United States, when he was eight annuals old,Ed Hardy 2011, for Saigon was falling. His father served in the South Vietnam militia, spent seven years in a prisoner-of-war camp and immediately namely confined to a cycle seat.
Encouraged Young Vietnamese-Amercans
He thanked the New Orleans Vietnamese community for its advocate and encouraged juvenile Vietnamese-Amercans "to go peacefully for a free and democratic Vietnam."
Louisianas Second Congressional District was engraved along the state authority a generation ago to aid African-American candidates. Two-thirds of its voters are dark. Jefferson has held the seat for 8 terms. But behind surviving challenges in the Democratic basic and runoff, he failed to obtain his traditional supporters to the polls in December.
Master of Philosophy Degree at Fordham
At his victory celebration, Cao said "not in my life did I meditation I could be a hereafter congressman," adding, "the American dream is well and alive."
Second Congressional District Mostly black American
Young Cao entered a Catholic college, then later withdrew merely remains an vigorous Catholic layman. He earned a bachelors degrees in physics at Baylor University, a master of philosophy degree at Fordham and a law degree at Loyola of New Orleans. He conducts a law practice in eastward New Orleans, specializing in immigration law for the Vietnamese community in that area of the metropolis.
In his only additional political campaign,Cheap Ed Hardy, Cao ran as one independent for the Louisiana House of Representatives and finished fifth surrounded six candidates.
In electing Cao over Bill Jefferson, Louisiana also evicted the premier African-American it had sent to the U.S. House of Representative since Reconstruction.
$90,000 of Cash Hidden in Jefferson's Freezer
Guests at Caos victory party included not only Republican leaders, but also the Democrat that Jefferson vanquished in the party runoff and the Democratic president of the New Orleans City Council. Cao was also supported by Governor Jindal and the sheriff of neighboring Jefferson Parish, part of which is in the Second Congressional District.
In December 2008, the New Orleans area completed a year of ethnic firsts by electing Anh "Joseph" Cao by the country's first Vietnamese-American Congressman. His election emulated Louisiana's seating of Bobby Jindal as the nation's first Indian-American governor and American's election of Barrack Obama as its first African-American chancellor.
Jefferson won the Democratic nomination on November 4 as 164,000 Second District voters, most of them black, cornered out for the presidential election. Less than 67,000 balloted in the December general election and that comprised thousands of Republicans who were incapable to v
His wonder election to Congress was attributed mainly to help from the Republican National Committee, to an highly cheap turnout in the special December election and to support from frustrated Democrats who were mortified by Jeffersons indictment on corruption charges and the report that investigators found $90,000 of cash hidden in Jefferson's freezer. Jeffersons trial has been reset for early in 2009.
Cao is marital and has 2 daughters. His statute practice is distinctly successful because he was competent to commit $70,000 of his own money to the Congressional campaign. The Times-Picayune reported that he raised variant $90,Ed Hardy Outlet online,000 in campaign contributions.

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